European Innovation Scoreboard


The European innovation scoreboard provides a comparative analysis of innovation performance in EU countries, other European countries, and regional neighbours. It assesses relative strengths and weaknesses of national innovation systems and helps countries identify areas they need to address. The European innovation scoreboard 2020 was released on 23 June 2020.


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European innovation scoreboard

Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs – European Commission

The European innovation scoreboard provides a comparative analysis of innovation performance in EU countries, other European countries, and regional neighbours. It assesses the relative strengths and weaknesses of national innovation systems and helps countries identify areas they need to address. The European innovation scoreboard 2021 was released on 21 June 2021. This year’s EIS report is also accompanied by the 2021 edition of the regional innovation scoreboard which provides comparable results for 240 regions in 22 EU countries. 1

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Regional innovation scoreboard

The regional innovation scoreboard (RIS) is a regional extension of the European innovation scoreboard (EIS), assessing the innovation performance of European regions on a limited number of indicators. The RIS 2021 provides a comparative assessment of the performance of innovation systems across 240 regions of 22 EU countries, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg and Malta are included at the country level.  2

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